Advice for future parents
Pregnancy is a time when some changes occur temporarily in the mother and in a certain way in the father. Understanding these physiological changes and knowing how to deal with them as a couple can help to share these moments and have the necessary care and share responsibilities of this wonderful time, full of expectations.
Joy will be felt, but doubts will also be generated regarding the evolution and development of pregnancy, until its completion. You have to take on emotional and financial responsibilities and how a child can change the life of the couple.
Women who have the support of their partner and family usually have a positive effect on the evolution of pregnancy, and the completion of this event are usually better tolerated, and childbirth itself may be easier and the shortest labor.
Pregnancy in the human species, lasts 280 days, or 40 weeks, or nine months and a week with certain variants of each circumstance and each patient can be a separate world, so that makes the probable termination of the birth a pretty good estimate probable.
You must have a healthy, balanced diet that includes all food groups, you can change eating habits, many women may have cravings or desire not to eat, the sense organs become more sensitive to odors, and flavors, having breakfast may cause morning sickness, then small snacks or cookies should be consumed with the intake of few liquids to better tolerate this discomfort. Pregnant women require vitamins and minerals in addition to folic acid and extra iron to prevent neural tube defects.
Women should gain an approximate weight of between 20 to 30 pounds and avoid having an overweight and / or gestational diabetes, your doctor will recommend what should be your ideal weight gain.
Women in the first weeks may feel a little tired, breasts become more sensitive, change color, turn the nipples darker, urination becomes more frequent, digestive discomforts may appear, such as nausea, vomiting, gas sensation, Fullness, acidity, the mood can also change.
After the first 15 weeks, the pregnancy becomes more secure and pleasant and the woman feels more comfortable. At 20 weeks the first movements of the fetus begin to be felt, the heartbeat will be heard in a very easy and audible way in the medical controls and the morphology and details of the fetal growth can be determined with enough precision to determine fairly accurate if there are defects in fetal growth.
In recent weeks there may be discomfort and pain in the hips, pelvic region and fetal movements as well as some difficulty in sleeping, and the anxiety that the time of delivery and holding the baby.
There are doubts about sexual relationships, the same as if they can be had during pregnancy, with the considerations of each couple and the preference that each may have.
Prenatal visits are used to control weight, blood pressure, fetal growth, detect any complications or warning signs about infections or other problems that could cause premature labor.
You can also take classes to prepare for childbirth, from 28 weeks of gestation approximately above all serve to alleviate the fears of the end of pregnancy, receive information and support to feel more confident about the details of the completion of the gestation.
The husband can help and generate emotional support when the delivery approaches and can attend the birth of his son, either natural childbirth or cesarean, most hospitals and clinics provide facilities for the father to attend this event.
After childbirth, the woman recovers her pre-pregnancy characteristics in about 6 to 8 weeks and is in a time to return to work, schedule adjustments, how to continue breastfeeding, who will take care of the baby and how You must do your family planning to avoid getting pregnant again, because you will not have periods and you will not be able to control the time of ovulation, therefore you will not know when you ovulate and may inadvertently get pregnant.