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Surgical Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy: Revolutionizes diagnosis and gynecological treatment Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive gynecological surgery technique; that respects women and that is revolutionizing the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases of the uterine cavity, such as: Abnormal uterine bleeding (endometrial hyperplasia) Polyps Submucosal myomas Adhesions, uterine septa Sterility / infertility study Missing devices and their location Endometrial[...]
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Vaccine of the Human Papilloma

What you should know about the vaccine The term known as condylomata or HPV / HPV (represents the acronym of the human papillomavirus) or virus causing lesions that affect the skin and mucous of animal species and also of man. It is an infection caused by a virus that has many subgroups and some of[...]
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New techniques of intimate cosmetic surgery

New techniques of intimate cosmetic surgery Vaginal rejuvenation is a topic treated by gynecologists and lately it is taking a lot of interest from patients who have had embarrassment or difficulty in talking and consulting about this topic, but once they are explained about the advantages and the rapid recovery and few post-surgical discomforts are[...]
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Endometrial ablation

Know this new technique to preserve the uterus, an alternative that will allow you to save this important female organ. The uterus or womb is the symbol of femininity and fertility. It is the largest of the organs of the female reproductive system and is the place where life develops. There are women; many of[...]
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Vaginal Rejuvenation

In recent times, this type of surgery has taken an unusual interest, but women and their husbands do not know this terminology and are afraid or ashamed to talk about these issues and consult with the appropriate professional. Vaginal rejuvenation is a topic that is treated by gynecologists and who have experience in the surgical[...]
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Knowing the Point “G”

Many women and men have never heard of the “G” point. It is a region located inside the vaginal mucosa between about 3 cm. of the female urethra and that is a nervous center very sensitive to the touch, because, once it is felt, the woman can get more sexual pleasure and get to have[...]
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