Important events in the different stages of female life

Important events in the different stages of female life

In childhood, the most important events are infections of the urinary tract and irritations at the level of the vulva and the entire external genital area. When girls reach adolescence, menstrual problems begin to appear due to hormonal changes, as well as menstrual cramps that sometimes become very intense, follicular ovarian cysts also appear that do not finish developing, or some adolescent girls have polycystic ovaries that require periodic control, begin to show attraction to the opposite sex and are curious and can have sexual intercourse. curiosity or pressure from a group.

In adult life this sexual interest and probably reproductive becomes more normal and begins a search for a couple to form a home and have the possibility of having children, then comes the need to seek family planning and begin a series of concerns about the different methodologies

There is also a need for controls regarding pap smears, breast problems, mycotic, bacterial or viral infections and a series of questions regarding the future.

From the fourth decade of life probably begin to have hormonal changes, alterations of menstrual cycles and even some women come to have premenopausal symptoms and the suspension of menstrual periods in some cases.

The current trend and with the information available makes women look for options to improve their quality of life and their physical appearance, which is why there is a great need for women to be informed and that they can be offered appropriate counseling according to the cases and the requirements of each person, in this way you can get to understand the role of women when it reaches the female climacteric and better cope with the third age.

Stages of the life of the woman: Puberty, adolescence, adulthood and climacteric


Different types of female health situations


► Cultural

► Social

► Racials

► Economical

► Couple

► Emotional

► Religious and family “taboos”

Safe sex vs. Abstinence

“It’s not about having sex as a test of love, for a momentary taste, curiosity or simply to make the couple feel happy or ourselves”

“Everything has its time, there will be time to love”

“Rejoice, YOUNG GIRL, in your youth and remember your creator, before the bad days come. Fear God and keep his commandments, because this is the whole of man”

                                               Eclesiastés 12:13

Sexually transmitted diseases and their risks

► Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that are contracted through sexual contact.

► Prevention is the key to combating this type of disease.

► It is not always necessary to have several relationships or couples to become infected

Human papilloma virus

► Papanicolaou or paptest test is required, which is only positive in 60% of infected cases.

► Colposcopy helps in the diagnosis.

► It has been confirmed that the hpv virus is the cause of cancer of the cervix.

► In the country there is already a vaccine that would prevent the spread of this Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

► 3 doses should be administered: (12-46 years)

Checks needed in the life of the woman

► Paptest or annual pap smear

► Annual or biannual mammography more than 40 complemented with mammary, pelvic or transvaginal echo according to the symptoms

► Bone densitometry

► Breast self-examination every month

► Blood tests: anemia, hormonal disorders, pre-menopausal

Menopausal stage

“Understanding a woman’s menopause is understanding her place in society” Marie-Aline Limouzin-Lamothe


“The sexual dysfunction of women occurs when they do not experience sexual arousal with lack of vaginal lubrication and the necessary preparation to reach orgasm”

“Sexual desire may be altered, sometimes diminished; you can hate or be afraid of having sex or being indifferent”


Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease of the bone characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of the micro architecture, the consequence of which is greater bone fragility and an increased risk of fractures.



Sexuality in the golden years

Urogenital atrophy

► Vaginal dryness, irritation and burning

► Pelvic weight sensation

► vulvo-vaginal itching

► Dispareunia

► Vaginismus

► Postcoital bleeding

► Postcoital penile irritation in the couple

► Urinary frequency, urgency and dysuria

► Urethritis, cystitis (inflammatory or infectious)

► Urinary incontinence


The treatment must be customized for the individual symptoms and circumstances of each woman:

► Pharmacological TRH (hormonal and natural) systemic, transdermal, oral, topical

► Homeopathic

► Oriental Medicine

► Nutritional, physical, psychological

Modern medicine demands more and more to have knowledge of the subject, integral vision, to improve the quality of life, interpersonal contact, expectations and wishes fulfilled, to listen and respect sexuality.

Changing lifestyle is key, with professional multidisciplinary help that will improve the woman’s self-esteem.

Treating not only the symptoms, but in a holistic way helping them to change their interests and that little by little they are adapting to their new reality.